Tuesday, June 26, 2018

"Her Fearless Love: Seeing Ranch Series" by Florence Linnington

Bonnie Potter has just arrived in the small town of Whiteridge to meet Steven Huebner, the man she has come to marry. She left Baltimore after the death of her father forced her to quit school and left her without an income or a place to live. She spent some time working as a seamstress, but with no reason to remain in Baltimore, she decided to become a mail-order bride and find a husband instead.

Meeting Steve had been like a dream come true. He was kind, handsome, and a hard working miner. He promised to build her a bigger house than the cabin he currently occupied on a better piece of land as soon as he can afford to do so. His promises fill Bonnie’s heart with even warmer feelings for him, though she honestly doesn’t care if they ever come to pass. She is simply happy with the man she has come to marry. She needs no more than what they already have together.

Then something horrible happens and Steve finds the dead body of one of his neighbors. At first there are no suspects, but a bullet from a rare type of pistol is found near the body. A gun that the only person who can be found owning one turns out to be Steve. And with a very recent verbal argument between the murdered man and Steve being very fresh in people’s minds, he is arrested as the only likely suspect.

Bonnie cannot believe her fiancĂ© could possibly be the one to have killed the other man, and sets out to do whatever she can to prove his innocence so they can be married. She doesn’t have long to try and discover the real murderer though, and if she can’t Steve will likely be hanged for the crime. But can she help to solve the mystery before Steve’s trial without there being any real clues or other likely suspects? And what will become of them both if she can’t?

Like her other books in this series, I truly enjoyed this story. The plot and character development were truly captivating. I loved the tale Ms. Linnington wove around the characters. My only complaint is that I wish the book had gone through another round of editing before it was published as there were more typos and other errors in this book than I am used to seeing in her stories. Another round of editing might have cleared up a number of the ones that interrupted my enjoyment of the book. But as I said earlier, the story is truly enjoyable and I am very glad to have had the chance to read it. Even with the errors, I would still recommend reading this book as well as the rest of the series. In my opinion they are well worth reading.

Tuesday, June 19, 2018

A brief message for my readers

My apologies to my readers. I have been suffering from some recent health issues that have forced me away from working on my reviews and from being able to post recently. Please rest assured that this is temporary and my reviews will return as soon as I am able to once again have something ready for posting. I hope that all of you can remain patient for me for just a little while longer. I am currently reading a new book and hope to start having reviews ready and posted again soon. I have also picked up a number of other new books to post reviews about, so please don't doubt my intention to get this site back up an running as soon as I am able to do so.

Thank you all for your support and patience. It is very greatly appreciated.

Mom Kat

New Moon Rising <br>by Chelsea Burton Dunn

Vee, Shane and Patrick are in the process of moving into their new home. It has been a very chaotic move, and before they even have a chance...