Monday, February 26, 2024

Heart Magic by Kait Disney-Leugers

Wes has had an interesting few years. His sister is now an immortal being & is married to an Angel, his circle of friends include a number of various magical beings, and he is now an associate professor of geology at the college. From the outside, his life looks pretty good. There's just one problem… he's been dating an Incubus named Apollo, and had fallen in love with him. However for Apollo, the "relationship" is completely one sided. It is all about the sex, on his terms and with multiple partners, heedless of Wes's feelings. When Apollo calls, Wes always goes back to him.

What Wes really wants and needs is a healthy, loving relationship with someone who can and will love him in return. But so long as he remains with Apollo, he will never find it.

I read a review copy of this book. It was an interesting tale that I need to give a few potential trigger warnings about. The main part of the story deals with a toxic relationship between Wes and Apollo. Also, this is an adult story, and though not what I would call erotica, it does have some rather detailed M/M sex scenes. It is not a book meant for younger readers. There is also some stalking that happens in the story.

That being said, this was a good book and one I enjoyed reading. It is book 3 in the series, and I had previously reviewed book one (Antique Magic) which I also enjoyed, and have recently bought book 2 (Blood Magic) which I have not yet read, but plan to in the (hopefully) near future. While the books can be read out of order, there are a few things that likely make more sense when the series is read in order.

This book seems to be about realizing when you are in a toxic or one-sided relationship, finding a way to truly believe that you deserve better, and then making it happen, as hard or impossible as all of those things may seem. Reading this story may be rough for someone who has been in such a situation, but I can tell you that you will enjoy how it ends. (amazon link)

(link to the book on the publisher's page) (Books2Read link with other vendors)

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Friday, February 23, 2024

The Long Night by Alex Bueno

We've all been through power outages now & then, but what would happen if the power went out across the entire country? And not just a normal blackout, but one where everything electronic stops working all at once. No cell phones, no cars, nothing that requires any sort of electronics to make it work will even turn on. And all this happens with little to no warning. Now imagine that your family is separated by about 200 miles when it happens, and has no way to communicate with each other, no way to learn if each of you is okay or not, or if you can even make your way back home somehow.

This was an interesting post-apocalyptic novel that begins shortly before it becomes clear that there has been a long-term cyber attack being waged against the United States. This book does a great job of explaining how and such a thing was possible without putting the reader to sleep by being too technical. And the struggles faced by the three main groups of people focused on in this book, were very realistically portrayed, including the panic that naturally seems to follow in the face of the unknown.

I received a review copy of this book and enjoyed reading it. It was a well thought out tale and was well written. It included all of the things that I would expect to see in this genre. I enjoyed reading it and will be looking forward to seeing what happens next in book two in this series. If you enjoy post-apocalyptic books, I'd recommend giving this series a try. (Amazon Link) (Books2Read link to other vendors)

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Monday, February 19, 2024

White Moon by Chelsea Burton Dunn

In the previous book in this series, we learned that Vee was adopted. In this book, everyone (the Watcher Elders, the Sha who the Weres report to, and of course, Vee herself) seems almost desperate to know what she truly is. She now knows the name of her mother, but not why she was given to the human couple who raised her or what happened to either of her birth parents. These are still mysteries that will soon need to be solved. But of a more immediate urgency, there is currently a Vampire who appears to be hunting her, though why he is hunting Vee is unknown. And taking care care of that problem without starting a Were-Vampire war must obviously be the pack’s priority.

I received a review copy of this book and enjoyed it easily as much as I did the previous book in the series. Vee and those she surrounds herself with are fascinating characters that have me wanting to read more about. The author has done a fantastic job of creating characters that I want to know more about. Their stories draw the reader in, while letting you try to guess at what is happening or about to happen, and I won't lie… this book had me tearing up a few times as I read.

If you have read the previous book in this series, or any other books by this author, then I believe you will not want to miss reading this one. It's a book that will suck you in and keep you reading until finished. It’s well worth giving this series a try.

Recommended for those who enjoy stories of the paranormal involving Vampires, Were-creatures, and Watchers. (Amazon Book Link) (link to the book on the publisher's page) (Books2Read link with other vendors)

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Friday, February 16, 2024

The Crown and the Collar
by Dominic N Ashton

Peter lives in a small town called Weston. He is a farmer, and never expected anything more from life than to someday take over his parents small farm. But all that changes the day that Prince Makseka Blackclaw happens to travel through the small town and the two of them meet. The prince, a werewolf, is instantly attracted to the young man, and wants him to become his royal consort and wear his collar.

I received a review copy of this book, and to begin, there are a few things that any potential reader needs to be aware of. The members of the royal family are all Werewolves, and while the king is married to a queen, he also has a royal consort (who can be either male or female.) This consort wears the king’s collar and is bound to him in a way that is the equivalent of a marriage. Also, this is not a book meant for younger readers. This book is a M/M romance and does contain some graphic sex scenes as well as some BDSM themes. It is an adult book, and as such, you will be asked to confirm that you are 18+ before you can access it on the publisher's website.

That being said, the story involving the prince and his desired consort, is a very sweet tale of romance between the two. And as with any tale of romance, misunderstandings and complications always arise. But then, life is never easy, is it? And when werewolves are involved, you can usually expect there will be even more issues that must be dealt with.

All in all, while this might not really be my cup of tea, (erotica usually isn't), I did enjoy this story. The developing romance between the two main characters as they overcome a number of misunderstandings and get to truly know and understand each other is heartfelt and honest. And if you are looking for a sweet M/M romance that comes with a unique set of complications (and a few surprises along the way), then I believe that you will enjoy this book. (Amazon link) (link to publisher's website) (Books2Read link to other vendors)

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Monday, February 12, 2024

Fatal Wines and Valentines
by Trixie Silvertale

After receiving an invite to a high society Valentine's Day Gala at the local winery, Mitzi's very excited ghost-ma immediately begins planning what outfit Mitzi should wear. However During dinner, the host is murdered, and Harper/Moon Investigations is soon on the case. But this isn't the only mystery for them to solve in this book. Ghost-ma is having trouble staying tethered to the bookshop and is beginning to fade away, and Erick's imprisoned father has reached out to him. Why now, remains to be seen. Hopefully, Silas can solve the Problem that Ghost-ma is experiencing before she is gone for good.

I received a review copy of this book and enjoyed reading it just as much as both the previous books in this series as well as the Mitzi Moon books before that. Mitzi's snark and humor, combined with Erick's heart and crime solving experience, and adding in all the interesting other characters living in this small, almost-Canada town, and you have both an interesting cozy mystery and a fun paranormal tale.

While you may not expect a mystery novel with a murder to be a typical Valentine, the love in this book among the main characters in this cozy mystery is clear for all to see, and because of that, I feel this book makes a wonderful Valentine’s week selection, and if you choose to check it out, I hope that you will agree with me. 

If you enjoy reading cozy mysteries with a paranormal twist or if you have enjoyed any of the other Mitzy Moon or Harper/Moon mysteries, then I believe that you'll enjoy this book as much as I did. Watching Mitzi find her way both in and out of trouble is, in my opinion, always a lot of fun.

This book is available from the following locations: (Amazon) (Books2Read vendors)

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Monday, February 5, 2024

Runaway Bride And her Outlaw
by Florence Linnington

Catherine Davis, or Kat, as she prefers to be called, is facing the death of her mother, only a short time after her father's death. taking a walk while her mother sleeps, Kat finds herself in the general store, and despite being engaged to the wealthy John Turner, finds herself buying a copy of the Matrimonial times. 

With her mother's passing, Kat learns how cruel her fiance actually is. He is a man who will seek to possess and own her rather than love her, and after writing a quick letter in answer to one of the ads seeking a wife, she attempts to sneak away in the extremely early hours of the morning to flee to California, where she meets James Wilson, the rancher she has come to marry. But what about his hidden past?

I received a review copy of this sweet mail order bride novel. It contains the expected themes of kindness, love, forgiveness, and understanding. And as expected, Ms. Linnington wove an interesting tale around all of these themes and their included lessons. But don't assume that means this is anything less than an interesting tale of two strangers getting to know and love each other. 

Yes, the characters face difficulties that they must find a way to overcome in order to reach their happy ending, but one thing that you can be sure of is that they will get there. The fun in this type of story Is discovering how they will find their way to that happy ending.

If you enjoy a good mail order bride story, tales of self-discovery, romance and love in the old west, then you will enjoy this book, as well as any of the others in this series.

This book may be found through the following:

Runaway Bride and her Outlaw (Amazon link)

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Wagon Train Mail Order Bride <br>by Florence Linnington

Amelia has been living in an unhappy marriage for a long time when she learns that she is finally pregnant. She hopes that her husband will ...