Wednesday, April 3, 2019

"In His Protection" by P.L. Harris

Melody Maddison is trying to solve a mystery. While going through her deceased mother’s belongings, she discovered a picture of her mother holding a newborn baby that was not Melody nor either of her older siblings. So who was this child and why had they never known about her?

When she begins asking questions about the baby, Melody starts receiving warnings to stop looking. And when she keeps investigating, those threats turn into attempts on her life. What is it that she has stumbled across that someone is willing to kill to keep from being discovered? Fortunately for Melody, Noah St. Reeve has taken it upon himself to keep her safe while they seek to learn the truth about her mother’s past.

The plot of this book grabbed my attention from the very beginning and held on until the end. I really wanted to know what would happen next as I read this tale. I do need to mention that there is one somewhat detailed sex scene in the book that is not really appropriate for younger readers.

The book itself could have used another round of editing/proofreading as there were more typos in the book than I would have liked to have seen while reading it. I discussed many of them with the author and she is attempting to have them corrected before final publication. If she is able to do so, I would rate this book one star higher on Amazon & Goodreads than I have currently given it. But make no mistake, this is a story that I do consider worth reading and did enjoy.

The story told by the author was well woven and very interesting. I enjoyed reading it and am interested in learning more of what is happening in Burrum Ridge as well as the secrets that everyone seems to be keeping from Melody’s family.

The teaser at the end of this book leading into book 2 in the series has also already captured my interest. I am looking forward to seeing what will happen in the next book when it is released. If you enjoy a good romantic suspense tale, I would recommend giving this series a try.

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