Monday, June 24, 2019

"Reborn Series Box Set" by S.L. Stacey


When Siobhan, Anna, and Jimmy saw something glowing in the distance during a party at a local farm, they did what you’d expect most teenagers would do and went to investigate. What they found appeared to be an injured man. He seemed confused and called Siobhan by the name of Psyche. When he reached out a hand to touch her, something strange happened when she took his hand. She ran off to hide in the woods as a pair of butterfly wings grew out of her back. Later that evening, when the three of them returned to try and help the stranger, he was gone.

Years later, while in a college sorority, Siobhan again encounters the man from the woods. It seems he is a teaching assistant for her “World Myths and Legends” class. But what happened to him that night in the woods? He claims that he is Eros and she is his wife Psyche, now returned to him. But Siobhan has no memory of anything he is claiming. Could he really be the Olympian God Eros? And if so, what is he doing teaching a class at her college?

I enjoyed this romantic tale involving multiple Olympian Gods. It has definitely captured my interest and made me want to find out what happens next. I did catch a few small typos while reading, but not enough to really distract from the story. Be warned, there are some sexual situations in this book that while not overly graphic in detail are likely still a bit inappropriate for younger readers.


This second book in the series box set continues the tale begun in the previous book. We get to see more of these descendants of the Olympian Gods. Siobhan and her sorority sisters now know the truth of their heritage, and while embracing this legacy are also dealing with finding new potential members who also are descended from the gods. But there are new problems brewing that they must also deal with.

I enjoyed this book as well as the first one. I found the story quite entertaining. It drew me in & kept me reading later into the night than I should have. Like the first book, I do feel the need to warn the reader that a good deal of sex does take place in this book. And while it is not extremely graphic, it might make it inappropriate for younger readers.


This was an interesting shorter tale focusing on another of the university’s greek houses, the Alpha Rho Sorority. It was nice to see that as diverse as humanity had become over the generations, that there more than one house contained members who were also descended from the gods. It was also interesting to see what happens when one of their members is looking for revenge for perceived wrongs and how they deal with it.


This book focuses mainly on the descendants of Nike and their work as Guardians, protecting humans from the gods who might seek to use them as pawns in the upcoming battle to take control of Olympus. I enjoyed reading this one and seeing how the gods in their “human” personas dealt with their daily lives while keeping secret their true mission to keep both worlds safe from the interference of the gods on humankind.


This story is told from the point of view of Apate. At times parts of it overlap a bit with the other books in this set, but without attempting to combine them all into one very long story, there really isn’t any other way to tell Apate’s story without losing parts of her tale or parts of the other books I read before reaching this one.

I think that within this series so far, this story was my favorite one. All of them were very interesting and enjoyable to read but I believe this one had the most unique perspective from among any of the characters we have been introduced to thus far. The author showed us a side or Apate that none of the other books in this set did. I appreciated being allowed to see this other side of her and hope she will appear again in another book by this author. But as with the other books in the set, there is a good deal of sex throughout, making it somewhat inappropriate for younger readers. I, however, am looking forward to seeing this series continued in future tales of the Olympian Gods and their descendants.

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