Monday, December 11, 2023

“The City of Marble and Blood”
by Howard Andrew Jones

Hanover was considered a hero among his people, the Volani, and the worst sort of enemy by the Dervans. They were the ones who won the war and tore apart his country, killing many of his people, and selling the rest of the survivors as slaves all across the Empire. Hanover, thought by most to have died during the last battle, has made it his purpose to find and free all of his surviving people. It may be an impossible task, but it is one that he is determined to accomplish.

This was the second book in the Chronicles of Hanovar series. I will start off by warning you that like the previous book, it appears to be a very long book, but reading it, it keeps you enthralled and does not feel like it is nearly as long as the page count claims. The story is compelling and quickly draws the reader in. It had me wanting to know how the characters would solve many of the problems they encountered along the way.  

And don't assume that this is simply a story of one man traveling around and freeing his people without care for those who might have once been his enemy. This story is much more than that, for wherever Hanovar travels on his quest, he finds himself helping not only the Volani, but people belonging to all the other races who are now part of the Dervan Empire.

This series is an epic fantasy adventure of the highest degree. I truly enjoyed reading both this book and the previous one in the series. I love how the story is presented as a tale written by a descendant of the man assisting Hanovar on his quest. If you enjoy epic fantasy adventures, then you won't want to miss this series. Recommended.

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