Monday, November 29, 2021

“Extraordinary Voyages” by Steven Paul Leiva

This book consists of multiple parts, all of which I found very entertaining. The first is a novella entitled “Made on the Moon.” The second is a number of poems written by the main character in the first story. The third part is a short story. And after that are some insights and information about the author. All of which I would recommend reading.

The easiest way for me to describe the first part of this book, is to ask a question. If you had always dreamed of going to the moon, even before anyone had ever thought it possible, what would you do to make your dream a reality? This story tells the tale of one man and his lifelong dream of going to the moon. There are some very interesting twists in this story, as parts of it touch on real life historical events, though others are purely fictional. And following this story are a number of poems written by the main character during his lifelong quest to visit the moon.

Following those two items is a short story involving Cyrano de Bergerac and Baron Munchausen travelling to Mars. It’s a fun little story that I found quite amusing. I think others will too.

But I almost think that my favorite part of this book was the two sections about the author that followed the fictional stories. Those two segments gave me an interesting and very entertaining look behind the curtain at the author and his life. If you read this book, I would urge you to not skip reading the author's history & bio at the end of the book. For me, they were every bit as entertaining & interesting as the fictional tales he has provided for us within these pages.

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