Friday, March 15, 2024

Taylor and the Red Wolf Rescue
by JB Moonstar

A family of Red Wolves living on what was supposed to be a wooded preserve where they were supposed to be safe, is now in danger. The land was sold to a developer who is tearing down the forest and has sent for a hunter to remove the protected and endangered animals. However the hunter's plan does not involve keeping them alive and relocating them; he plans to kill and sell their hides for profit. Taylor, a young boy in leg braces, and Knocker, the First Guardian of Ituria, appear to be all that stands between the wolves & the hunter. Can they manage to save these endangered animals?

I received a review copy of this book, and even though I am not the intended audience, I enjoyed reading it. This is an early chapter book meant for mid-grade readers. And while it does teach about Red wolves, why they are endangered, and why they should be protected, it was also a very interesting story. It does not read like a book that is trying to teach something, but as a parent, you quickly learn to recognize books with a lesson or moral hidden inside. The story itself was fun, and I think that younger readers would enjoy reading it.

And while it is the second book in a series, these books do appear to stand on their own, requiring no knowledge of anything that occurred in the previous books. In other words, this series can easily be started from any book in the series; you need not start with book one. If you have kids who are currently reading short chapter books, I'd recommend having them take a loo at this series. I think they'd enjoy it. (Amazon link) (books2 read link to other vendors)

Amazon requires me to state that I have an Amazon Associates account that I use to generate the links to the books on their website. Purchasing something after following those links will earn a few pennies for me off the sale, though as of yet I have not earned anything from my Amazon Associate links.

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