Tuesday, December 24, 2019

"Holiday Hooligans" by Constance Barker

In the small town of Knockemstiff, Louisiana, Christmas is in full swing and has been for a while. Decorations are up all over town and everything appears quite festive.

At the Pleasen Teasen Hair Salon, they are planning on decorating once they have closed for the day. It makes for a fun evening, but when they return the next morning all their decorations have vanished. And not only that, but it looks like someone has gone around town and pulled a “Grinch” by stealing and getting rid of everyone’s Holiday decorations. Who would do such a thing and why?

This was an entertaining little holiday story, but it really did need to have gone through another round or two of editing. Had it been a little better edited before I read it, I would have definitely enjoyed the story much more.

The story the author shared with us was presented in an intriguing manner with characters that were well developed and was clearly part of a continuing series. As a fun little mystery series, it works quite well. I enjoyed it and will likely look up other books from this author in this series at some point in the future.

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